
Windows git “warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF” [1]

git config --global core.autocrlf false

Disable Credential Manager

git config --global credential.modalprompt false

git credential-manager remove -force

git credential-manager uninstall --force  

Multi account management [2]

step1: clean globle setting

git config --global --unset user.name
git config --global --unset user.email

step2: change config file only ssh

Do not Pop-ups authtication [3]

This question is the git shell prompt input user and password in an openssh popup on windows plateform

git config --global core.askPass ""


[1] Windows git “warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF”, is that warning tail backward?

[2] window下git多账户管理

[3] Git shell prompts for password in an OpenSSH popup window



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