官方流水线示例中没有给出完整的流水线模板和完整的字段,只给出了一个大致的 schema [1],如下所示
"schema": "v2",
"variables": [
"type": "<type>",
"defaultValue": <value>,
"description": "<description>",
"name": "<varName>"
"id": "<templateName>", # The pipeline instance references the template using this
"protect": <true | false>,
"metadata": {
"name": "displayName", # The display name shown in Deck
"description": "<description>",
"owner": "example@example.com",
"scopes": ["global"] # Not used
"pipeline": { # Contains the templatized pipeline itself
"lastModifiedBy": "anonymous", # Not used
"updateTs": "0", # Not used
"parameterConfig": [], # Same as in a regular pipeline
"limitConcurrent": true, # Same as in a regular pipeline
"keepWaitingPipelines": false, # Same as in a regular pipeline
"description": "", # Same as in a regular pipeline
"triggers": [], # Same as in a regular pipeline
"notifications": [], # Same as in a regular pipeline
"stages": [ # Contains the templated stages
# This one is an example stage:
"waitTime": "${ templateVariables.waitTime }", # Templated field.
"name": "My Wait Stage",
"type": "wait",
"refId": "wait1",
"requisiteStageRefIds": []
这个流水线模板的 Schema 只包含了大的框架,但是 Spinnaker 的每种类型的 Stage 的 Schema 并没有包含里面,需要自行定义,最好的一个思路就是,先手动先创建一个 {ipeline,然后编辑这个 Pipeline 的 Json 复制出想要的 Stage 的内容,然后再根据 Pipeline Template 的模板进行填充。
例如,我们想顶一个选择 “多路分支” 的流水线,那么流水线类型如下
然后选择 “Edit stage as Json” 或者选择 “Pipeline Actions” 中 “Edit as JSON” 可以查看到该 Stage 或该 Pipelin 完整的 JSON 格式数据。
最后将 Stage 的 JSON 复制 到 template Stage 的 数组中即可,下面是一个 Check Precondition 类型的 State 的 JSON
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"name": "选择禁用是否启用配置注册",
"notifications": [],
"preconditions": [
"context": {
"expression": "${ #judgment('check condition') == 'disable' }"
"failPipeline": true,
"type": "expression"
"type": "checkPreconditions"
该模板是一个为 k8s deployment 启用/禁用 HPA 功能的流水线模板
"id": "a422e02d0ab94ce23jk92a6d2bf8ff9c",
"lastModifiedBy": "cylon",
"metadata": {
"description": "启用或停用 HPA",
"name": "HPA Turn on or Turn off",
"owner": "cylonchau@outlook.com",
"scopes": [
"pipeline": {
"expectedArtifacts": [
"defaultArtifact": {
"artifactAccount": "k8s-cluster-102",
"reference": "https://git.chinamobile.cn/api/v4/projects/154/repository/files/hpa%2Fk8s-cluster-102%2F${ templateVariables.appName }.yaml/raw",
"type": "gitlab/file",
"version": "master"
"displayName": "${ templateVariables.appName }-hpa-file",
"id": "${ templateVariables.appName }-hpa",
"matchArtifact": {
"artifactAccount": "k8s-cluster-102",
"name": "https://git.chinamobile.cn/api/v4/projects/154/repository/files/hpa%2Fk8s-cluster-102%2F${ templateVariables.appName }.yaml/raw",
"type": "gitlab/file"
"useDefaultArtifact": true,
"usePriorArtifact": false
"keepWaitingPipelines": false,
"limitConcurrent": true,
"parameterConfig": [],
"stages": [
"instructions": "请选择条件: \n\tenable 启用 ${ templateVariables.appName } HPA Autoscaler\n\tdisable 禁用HPA Autoscaler\n",
"judgmentInputs": [
"value": "enable"
"value": "disable"
"name": "Apply",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"notifications": [],
"propagateAuthenticationContext": false,
"refId": "7",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [],
"type": "manualJudgment"
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"name": "选择禁用 ${ templateVariables.appName } HPA",
"preconditions": [
"context": {
"expression": "${ #judgment('Apply') == 'disable' }"
"failPipeline": true,
"type": "expression"
"refId": "9",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "checkPreconditions"
"name": "选择启用 ${ templateVariables.appName } HPA",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"preconditions": [
"context": {
"expression": "${ #judgment('Apply HPA') == 'enable' }"
"failPipeline": true,
"type": "expression"
"refId": "10",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "checkPreconditions"
"account": "${ templateVariables.dcName }",
"app": "${ templateVariables.appName }",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"isNew": true,
"location": " ${ templateVariables.appLocation }",
"manifestName": "horizontalpodautoscaler ${ templateVariables.appName }-autoscaler",
"mode": "static",
"name": "禁用 ${ templateVariables.appName } HPA",
"options": {
"cascading": false,
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300
"refId": "12",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "deleteManifest"
"account": "${ templateVariables.dcName }",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"manifestArtifactAccount": "k8s-cluster-102",
"manifestArtifactId": "${ templateVariables.appName }-hpa",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": false,
"moniker": {
"app": "${ templateVariables.appName }"
"name": "启用 ${ templateVariables.appName } HPA",
"refId": "11",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"skipExpressionEvaluation": false,
"source": "artifact",
"stageTimeoutMs": 500000,
"trafficManagement": {
"enabled": false,
"options": {
"enableTraffic": false,
"services": []
"type": "deployManifest"
"triggers": []
"protect": false,
"schema": "v2",
"tag": null,
"updateTs": "1701832158029",
"variables": [
"defaultValue": "k8s-cluster-102",
"description": "要部署到的集群",
"name": "dcName",
"type": "string"
"defaultValue": "",
"description": "模块名称",
"name": "appName",
"type": "string"
"defaultValue": "public",
"description": "名称空间",
"name": "appLocation",
"type": "string"
版权:本作品采用「署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际」 许可协议进行许可。